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How to design a hygge-friendly home


Danish design is famous around the world – no doubt about that. There’s been a worldwide craze around hygge, from books to decorations. We’ve really seen it all. Pronounced hoo-ga, this concept cannot be simply translated.

It’s a mix between feeling happy, fulfilled, cozy, and a couple of other warm things. But it can be much easier explain in design – where some things are obviously hygge, and others are obviously not.

Here are some tips on how to make your home hygge-friendly:

1. Things that produce warmth are hygge

Candles are the best example – they create a cozy atmosphere with minimal impact. Fireplaces, blankets, hot cocoa are other great examples of things that are hygge. These are not necessarily big-time things which you can insert into your home, but more small details which change a dull, cold room into your favorite part of the house.

2. Modern things relying on technology are not hygge

Possibly the least hygge thing out there is the smartphone. Some electronics can be somewhat hygge, as long as you’re using them for a greater good – listening to soothing music, spending time with your friends, or cuddling with your loved one. Even in this case, make sure the electronics are as minimalist and lean as possible.

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3. Things that create a cozy atmosphere – definitely hygge

Copper or Gold accents in a kitchen? Yes. Wooden materials all over the house? Definitely. Candles all over the place? The most hygge thing in modern history. If you’re looking for more inspiration, take a quick trip to Denmark during December. You might freeze to death if you’re not well prepared, but you’ll definitely find some quality new ideas. Share them with us and maybe we can help in making your house hygge– friendly!



Pics: pexels.com
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